
.  words  .  trees  .  soul  .

I am a dreamer, a wanderer, slowly moving from a nomadic existence back to my roots. I love trees and poems and all things green, and I have an insatiable appetite for books. Lover of creation and loved by the Creator, I live in constant search of meaning and purpose in this tangled, messy world.

This blog is as much an experiment for me as life is, and so I hope it will be both motivation for and a reflection of my journey. Come along if you like, read a poem or two, pick up a book, and be inspired.

Want to see which books I've enjoyed the most? Check out my favorites on Goodreads. And please feel free to connect with me via my contact page or using the links below. I'd love to meet you!

"The journey is the drama of the heart's voyage into the tide of possibilities which open before it. Indeed, a book is a path of words which takes the heart in new directions."
--John O'Donohue, Beauty