
more than just a number

I was inspired this year by a few fellow bloggers (Hayden and Candice) to post more specific reading goals than just a number. Yes, over on my sidebar you can see that I hope to read at least 35 books this year (a modest goal, perhaps, but realistic), but I often get stuck in a rut of reading the same kinds of books all the time. You all will keep me accountable, right? In all honesty, though, the knowledge that a handful of people may have read these goals is probably enough for me to strive to keep them...

1. 7 nonfiction
2. 3 classics
3. 1 book of poetry
4. 1 audiobook
5. The One Year Bible
6. Miscellaneous fiction to add up to 35 books

7 nonfiction
I figured 5 was too easy, but 10 might be pushing my luck. So 7 it is. Possible reads:
  1. Acedia and Me by Kathleen Norris
  2. Finding God in the Lord of the Rings by Kurt Bruner and Jim Ware
  3. No Wonder They Call Him Savior by Max Lucado
  4. A Faithing Oak by Robert A. Raines
  5. To Be Honest With You by Vince Woltjer and Tim Vandenberg
  6. One-Woman Farm by Jenna Woginrich
  7. Disappointments with God by Philip Yancey
3 classics
Ok, not so ambitious, but you know how many I read last year? That's right, zero. Which is a little sad. Possible reads:
  1. Les Miserables by Victor Hugo
  2. The Old Man in the Corner by Emmuska Orczy
  3. Far From the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy
  4. Watership Down by Richard Adams (does this count?)
1 book of poetry
It's always good for a poet to read poetry. Gets the creative juices flowing. I'll probably read Robert Frost's Poems, because it's been sitting, mostly unread, on my shelf for far too long.

1 audiobook
Again, not so ambitious. Maybe I'll really like it and listen to more. We're exploring (mostly) uncharted waters here. I have The Chronicles of Narnia on iTunes, but I'd like to try something I haven't read before. We'll see.

The One Year Bible
Have you ever tried to read the Bible straight through, Genesis to Revelation? I've done it, and I don't very much recommend it. Hopefully a Bible designed for reading straight through will prove to be a better experience (still Genesis to Revelation, but thoughtfully divided up).

Miscellaneous fiction to add up to 35 books
Math never was my strong point. I'll let Goodreads figure it out for me. :)

Do you have any reading goals for 2015?


  1. Great list! I like the idea of adding audio books! :)

    1. Thanks (and thank you for the inspiration)! We'll see how the audio book goes--I'm a very visual person. :)

  2. Love your goal! Are you going to do reviews? I'd love to know your thoughts on some of these.

    1. Thanks, Jack! I review almost every book I read (there are only one or two I didn't review last year), so assuming I read all of the above-mentioned books, you'll be seeing them on this blog again some time this year. :) Which ones are you most interested in?
