other places


create {poetry thursday}

it is natural for us to create for
He who made us also
made infinitely greater things than
we can comprehend
it is only natural that we should feel drawn to
form, mold, sketch, write, and
sing our imperfect melodies
in worshipful imitation
of the one perfect Creator


Hello, friends! In order to boost my own creativity and get more poetry and trees back on this dear blog, I've decided to start posting twice per week. Monday will now be my usual bookish post (instead of Tuesday), and my second post will either be a "wordless wednesday" (photos) or "poetry thursday."

What do you think? Are you looking forward to the new posts, or do you prefer the once-a-week schedule? Did you miss the poems and trees (or maybe you're new and have been wondering why in the world I chose "poetree" as my blog name)?


  1. I'm quite excited for the new schedule! Yes, I've been wondering about your blog title, and now it's starting to make sense. :)

    Ellie | On the Other Side of Reality

    1. Haha, whoops. It started out as a poetry blog, but then I added book reviews about a year(?) later, and the poems have become few and far between! I was also regularly posting a "wordless wednesday," which tended to be photos of trees.

      Thanks for the feedback!

  2. Glad you'll be posting more often

    1. That's so good to hear! I used to post two to three times per week, but I got overwhelmed and knocked it down to one. Hopefully I can keep up the pace! :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The poem is so true! Thank you for the lovely reminder.
    Your blog name is really quite creative c:

    prelude forest

  5. ahhh YOUR BLOG NAME IS SO CUTE IT'S LIKE ALL THE CUTE PUNS IN THE WORLD ROLLED IN TO ONE AWWW poetree i love it so so much And gahhh that poem was really nice. I like it when people put religious themes in the poetry still because so many people don't anymore and I honestly just thought it was beautiful.

    All the love,

    Anne // www.aportraitofyouth.co.uk

    1. Aw, thank you Anne! That's so kind. :) I'm so glad you stopped by!

  6. Lovely pictures/words! <3 and glad to have you back a little more often. sometimes life gets crazy and blogging slips to the bottom of the priority list (raises hand sheepishly) but I'm glad you're back!

    1. Thank you, Olivia! We'll see if I can keep up with myself... :)

  7. What a wonderful post and idea! Looking forward to it!

    1. Thanks, Ashlyn! I hope you enjoy the posts. :)
